project_id: To be passed in the URL
x-api-key: Secret key to be passed as a header

    "data": {
        "name": "Alfa Project",
        "base": "VIDEO",
        "total_batches": 36,
        "completed_batches": 33,
        "total_jobs": 96534,
        "completed_jobs": 94217,
        "total_frames": 96534,
        "completed_frames": 94217,
        "annotations": 94217
    "success": true

Response Structure

name String name of the project
baseString base type of the project. ex : Image, VIdeo, Sensor fusion, Lidar etc
total_batchesString total number of batches in this project
completed_batchesString total number of the completed batches in this project
total_jobsString total number of jobs combining all the batches in this project
completed_jobsString total number of completed jobs combining all the batches in this project
total_framesString total number of frames in this project
completed_framesString total number of completed frames in this project
annotationsString total number of annotations in this project
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!