The following describe the possible issues with the request data when sending a POST request to Playment's feedline API

All successful responses are returned with HTTP Status code 200. In case of failure, Playment API returns a JSON error response with the parameters that detail the reason for the failure with HTTP status code 400.

  "error": {
    "code": "FS_0001",
    "message": "Duplicate Reference Id"
  "success": false
Error CodeReason
FS_0001Duplicate reference_id. Note: For each unique FLU/sequence you must use a unique reference_id
FS_0002reference_id missing
FS_0003 Data URL invalid
Duplicate frame_id detected in case of sequential data.
* Invalid string for frame_id detected in case of sequential data.
FS_0004Data missing
FS_0005tag missing
FS_0006Feed Line Unit not found
FS_0007Image URLs not valid
GE_0001Malformed JSON/Invalid UUID passed
GE_0002Parameter missing