GET <project_id>/batch/<batch_id>
GET<project_id>/batch/ <batch_id>?page_token=<next_page_token>

project_id: To be passed in the URL
x-api-key: Secret key to be passed as a header

  1. By default, it will provide the first 100 jobs of a particular batch_id.
  2. To get the next 100 jobs, provide **page_token** param in the API request. The value of this page_token can be taken from the key **next_page_token** provided in the response structure
    "data": {
        "id": "",
        "project_id": "",
        "name": "Batch 1 - 20190810",
        "jobs": [
                "id": "fde5ert6-eb32-481a-807a-03a0428ca836",
                "reference_id": "001",
                "status": "completed",
                "frames": 1,
                "annotations": 1,
                "priority_weight": 5,
                "tag": "sample-task",
                "viewer_url": ""
                "id": "fdda8970-dr3d-4978-9ce3-e80654d8078c",
                "reference_id": "002",
                "status": "completed",
                "frames": 1,
                "annotations": 1,
                "priority_weight": 5,
                "tag": "sample-task",
                "viewer_url": ""
        "next_page_token": "1575822103313046000"
    "success": true

Response Structure

nameString name of the batch
jobsList of the jobs with details in the asked batch
jobs.idString ID of the job
jobs.reference_idString reference id of the job
jobs.statusString status of the job indicating if it has been completed or not
jobs.framesNumber total number of frames in this job
jobs.annotationsNumber total number of annotations in this job
jobs.priority_weightNumber Priority weight among all the batches
jobs.tagString indicating what kind of operation was performed
jobs.viewer_urlString Viewer URL
next_page_tokenString token to be passed in the request URL to get the result of next 100 jobs.
GET<project_id>/batch/ <batch_id>?page_token=<next_page_token>
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!