Label perspective cuboids with coordinates of 6 vertices for any object in a 2D image for camera based depth perception models

  "reference_id": "001",
  "data": {
  "tag": "Sample-task",
  "batch_id": "72c888f6-b365-4f27-ad57-d7841da2de0c",
  "priority_weight": 5
  "data": {
    "job_id": "3f3e8675-ca69-46d7-aa34-96f90fcbb732",
    "reference_id": "001",
    "tag": "Sample-task"
  "success": true
    "data": {
        "project_id": "",
        "reference_id": "001",
        "job_id": "fde54589-ebty-48lp-677a-03a0428ca836",
        "batch_id": "b99d241a-bb80-ghyi-po90-c37d4fead593",
        "status": "completed",
        "tag": "sample_project",
        "priority_weight": 5,
        "result": ""
    "success": true
  "data": {
    "annotations": {
      "cuboids": [{
                "points": {
                    "p1": {"x": 0.17,"y": 0.58},
                    "p2": {"x": 0.26,"y": 0.58},
                    "p3": {"x": 0.26,"y": 0.49},
                    "p4": {"x": 0.17,"y": 0.49},
                    "p5": {"x": 0.24,"y": 0.51},
                    "p6": {"x": 0.35,"y": 0.52},
                    "p7": {"x": 0.35,"y": 0.36},
          "p8": {"x": 0.25,"y": 0.37}
                "front": {
                    "coordinates": ["p1","p2","p3","p4"]
                "side": {
                    "coordinates": ["p2","p3","p5","p6"]
                "back": {
                    "coordinates": ["p7","p8","p5","p6"]
                "label": "Car - Sedan",
        "faces_visible": ["right","back"]
      "landmarks": [],
      "lines": [],
      "polygons": [],
      "rectangles": []
    "image_url": ""

Result JSON Structure

Response KeyDescription
dataobject having annotations object and image_url
data.annotationsObject having all the types of annotations namely cuboids, landmarks, lines, polygons and rectangles
data.annotations.cuboidsList of all the cuboids annotated in this job
data.annotations.cuboids.[i]one of the Object from cuboids list, having label, points, front, side, back, and other faces_visible
data.annotations.cuboids.[i].labelString class label of the particular annotated 2D-Cuboid
data.annotations.cuboids.[i].pointsObject having all the points of the corresponding cuboid named as p1, p2, p3.....p8
data.annotations.cuboids.[i].points.p[j]Object having x and y coordinate of a particular point
data.annotations.cuboids.[i].frontObject having coordinates List of all the points which are in front face
data.annotations.cuboids.[i].sideObject having coordinates List of all the points which are in side face
data.annotations.cuboids.[i].backObject having coordinates List of all the points which are in back face
data.annotations.cuboids.[i].faces_visibleList having name of the faces which are visible