Use the video when object tracking across frames is needed. Each request represents one unit of data, in this case, a continuous sequence of images that you would want to be annotated.

project_id: To be passed in the URL Getting project_id
x-api-key: Secret key to be passed as a header Getting x-api-key

  "reference_id": "sample_reference_id",
  "data": {
    "video_data": {
      "frames": [
          "frame_id": "frame001",
          "src": ""
          "frame_id": "frame002",
          "src": ""
          "frame_id": "frame003",
          "src": ""
          "frame_id": "frame004",
          "src": ""
          "frame_id": "frame005",
          "src": ""
  "tag": "Sample-task",
  "batch_id": "72c888f6-b365-4f27-ad57-d7841da2de0c"
import requests
import json
Details for creating JOBS,
project_id ->> ID of project in which job needed to be created
x_api_key ->> secret api key to create JOBS
tag ->> You can ask this from playment side
batch_id ->> The batch in which JOB needed to be created
project_id = ''
x_api_key = ''
tag = ''
batch_id = ''
#method that can be used to call the job creation api
def Upload_jobs( DATA):
    base_url = f"{project_id}/jobs"
    response =, headers={'x-api-key': x_api_key}, json=DATA)
    if response.status_code >= 500:
        raise Exception("Something wrong at Playment's end")
    if 400 <= response.status_code < 500:
        raise Exception("Something wrong!!")
    return response.json()
#method that can be used for batch creation
def create_batch(batch_name,batch_description):
    headers = {'x-api-key':x_api_key}
    url = '{}/batch'.format(project_id)
    data = {"project_id":project_id,"label":batch_name,"name":batch_name,"description":batch_description}
    response =,headers=headers,json=data)
    if response.status_code >= 500:
        raise Exception("Something wrong at Playment's end")
    if 400 <= response.status_code < 500:
        raise Exception("Something wrong!!")
    return response.json()['data']['batch_id']
#list of frames in a single job
frames = [
video_data = {'frames' : []}
for frame_url in frames:
    frame_id = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(frame_url))
    frame_obj = {'src':frame_url,'frame_id':frame_id}
#reference_id should be unique for each job
job_data = {
            'batch_id' : new_batch_id
#helper method to print json data structure 
def to_dict(obj):
    return json.loads(
        json.dumps(obj, default=lambda o: getattr(o, '__dict__', str(o)))
response = Upload_jobs(DATA=job_data)
  "data": {
    "job_id": "3f3e8675-ca69-46d7-aa34-96f90fcbb732",
    "reference_id": "001",
    "tag": "Sample-task"
  "success": true
Request KeyDescription
reference_idreference_id is a unique identifier for a request. We'll fail a request if you've sent another request with the same reference_id previously. This helps us ensure that we don't charge you for work which we've already done for you.
tagEach request should have a tag which tells us what operation needs to be performed on that request. We'll share this tag with you during the integration process.
data Object This has the complete data that is to be annotated
data.video_data.framesList Contains a list of frames each for a particular timestamp in the order of annotation.
data.video_data.frames.[i].frame_idString Unique identifier of the particular frame
data.video_data.frames.[i].srcString Accessible source URL of the particular frame on which annotation will be done
batch_id OptionalString A batch is a way to organize multiple sequences under one batch_id
priority_weight OptionalNumber Its value ranges from 1 to 10 with 1 being lowest, 10 being highest.
Default value 5


Secure attachment access

For secure attachment (frames.[i].src here) access and IP whitelisting, refer to Secure attachment access

Response KeyDescription
dataObject Having job_id, reference_id and tag
reference_idString unique identifier sent for a request
job_idString UUID, unique job id
tagString which tells us what operation needs to be performed on that request.

job_id is the unique ID of a job. This will be used to get the job result