POST <project_id>/batch

A batch is a way to organize multiple jobs under one batch_id. You can create multiple batches in your project directly via this Playment's API and accordingly send the job with the corresponding batch ID.
project_id: To be passed in the URL
x-api-key: Secret key to be passed as a header

    "name": "Batch 2K Frames - 2019-11-11",
    "description": "This is a sample batch"
nameString name of the batch
descriptionString description of the batch
	"success": True,
		"batch_id": UUID

The batch_id received in the response can be used to organize the jobs being sent in the next step.


If you don't create a batch, no need to pass the batch_id while creating the job. In this case all the jobs will go in default batch

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!